EDI whitepaper preview

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Powering the end-to-end supply chain.

Download the EDI Whitepaper below, and find out how it can help your business grow.


EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. It is an electronic method used by two parties to exchange information.

Distribution businesses are challenged with increasingly complex supply chains and the need to be ever more customer centric. At the same time, the need to drive profitability and efficiency means they must minimise costs, maximise sales and improve productivity. To differentiate themselves or to remain competitive, they are turning away from paper-based methods and embracing digital transformation via EDI.

Here’s a look at how businesses can greatly reduce manual admin while reducing document delivery speeds, improving financial performance and maximising cash flow. EDI-compliance provides distributors with a distinct competitive advantage, placing them ahead of rivals in securing business from companies looking to decrease costs, improve accuracy and automate their processes.


  • What is EDI?
  • Who is EDI for?
  • The drawbacks of not using EDI
  • The benefits of EDI
  • How you can implement EDI 
  • Integrating the end-to-end supply chain


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