Earlier this year, we explained the three tiers of WMS classification. Since then, we’ve spent some time refining our product offerings for wholesalers and distributors and are now able to offer three WMS products – with one solution within each tier. So we are now able to assist a business of any size that is running a warehouse – from a small business needing only a basic system, right up to a full-scale enterprise operation that has very complex requirements.
We feel this tiered approach to warehouse management systems helps customers to better understand which product suits them most as it clarifies and simplifies the offerings in the WMS space.
Balloon’s three WMS products are:
HighJump Edge Core
The new Edge Core offering suits small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that have smaller warehousing operations and limited in-house IT (up to 10 users). Wholesale distributors and ecommerce operations such as this are typically looking for a quick and inexpensive out-of-the-box implementation, along with best-practice processes and functionality.
Edge Core is cloud-based and runs in a multi-tenanted cloud WMS environment, that is, many businesses are run from the same cloud server. This dramatically reduces the need for in-house IT expertise and infrastructure, which is crucial for financial efficiency in SMBs.
Perfect for those with only nominal WMS knowledge, it utilises proven, pre-defined best-practice processes and KPIs. And with fixed implementation costs, minimal hardware requirements and delivering standard functionality, an installation could go live in as little as 30 days.
HighJump Edge Pro
Edge Pro is the middle offering and is what Balloon has conventionally provided: an advanced, configured solution for SMBs. It extends the capabilities of Edge Core with processes that are configurable and offers a comprehensive range of functionality for SMBs.
Suitable for 10-50 users, it is available as either a cloud or on-premises product and suits wholesale distribution, ecommerce and assembly operations.
HighJump Advantage
Large enterprise operations with more than 50 users would require Balloon’s Advantage solution. This has fully customisable processes and is again available in the cloud or on-premise.
Suitable for wholesale distribution, ecommerce, manufacturing and third-party logistics operations, Advantage is a top-of-the-range, sophisticated solution for multi-site and global installations.
In warehousing, one size definitely doesn’t fit all, so we’re delighted to be able to offer these three solutions, and to solve the warehousing needs of any sized business. If you would like to find out more about any of Balloon’s three WMS products, call us on 020 8819 9071 or get in touch for a quote.